2023 Company Update

Checkout the latest company highlights and updates below:


Please follow MAP. We have been able to improve profit margins for you; we ask all retailers and distributors to not cherry-pick the most popular and best-margin items. Many items are still not seasoned - take a risk and promote them on your platforms, and you will be surprised. 80% of our items dropped in wholesale price or remained the same.


Some strategic partnerships were established for manufacturing to improve supply chain and quality. We also expanded to international markets like South America (For example see StartFire in Chile). Our Dropshipping network has also grown exponentially, especially on Amazon. We will be making major investments in Amazon review generation and product listing optimization (A+ content, infographics, ad campaigns). As we build up Amazon listings, we are urging our dealers to step in and take over. It is not our interest to be in the retail space and compete.


We continue to make heavy investments to maintain one of the best in-stock product availability in the industry. All of our products are stored in our Charlotte, NC facility. We are also using Amazon's Fulfillment Network to bring products to the end-user even faster. We continue to strive to meet a 95% or better Order Fill Rate. Inventory Feed is available; sign up here or join our EDI platform.


If you are a high-volume customer, we strongly suggest you sync our relationship via EDI or API - It will make all of our lives easier. We've optimized our website to make it run faster, if you find a glitch please let us know! We also will be working to translate our website into Spanish and perhaps other languages.

We are working on exciting new EMS Bags, Patient Immobilization, and CPR & First Aid items. New Products have "TBD" in the UPC column. Pricing for new items are pending.