Over many years, Kemp USA has maintained a strong relationship and partnership with Ambu. Ambu is a Danish company that is renowned for its great innovative products for hospitals, private practices, and rescue services. Being a multi-billion dollar company, Ambu has to make strategic decisions on its direction of growth. Recently, Ambu stated that they would be dropping their CPR Res-Cue Mask product line in order to focus on and improve other areas of their company - specifically endoscopy solutions for the medical field. Kemp USA took this opportunity to make a long-term 5-year investment in CPR Rescue Mask supply so that our dealers and retailers would not be affected. Kemp USA is now officially the biggest provider of Ambu CPR Masks! We are currently in talks with organizations such as CPR Training Schools and distributors who are looking for a committed wholesale supplier. Please contact us if you are interested in joining this discussion.


Kemp USA is a manufacturer and wholesaler for the EMS, Lifeguard, and Swim industries for over 15 years. We invest heavily in product inventory to equip medical and rescue professionals around the world. Our backend role in the marketplace is product development, manufacturing, supply, and logistics. Our warehouse and HQ are conveniently located in Charlotte, NC.


Want to promote your brand in your CPR classes? We offer private labeling services for your CPR Masks. We also have a large variety of other CPR Training products. Check out this blog to see more Kemp USA CPR products.


We hope this information has been of help to you! Kemp USA is a manufacturer and wholesaler for the EMS and Lifeguard industries. We do not sell to the general public. We have been in business for over 15 years. For more information please email us [email protected] or visit our website: www.KempUSA.com