Disaster Response: Phase II of Emergency Management

Disasters are devasting, they can often leave people in hopeless situations. Sometimes they can be predicted, and with proper planning and they can be mitigated, but many times terror can strike unexpectedly. Either way, both require professional attention and response to save lives and get people to safety.

FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) is the branch within the United States Homeland Security that deals with disasters across US territories. This agency exists because of US taxpayers and is an excellent resource for grants, support, and training. Learn more here.

Here is FEMA's official mission statement:

"The mission of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that, as a Nation, we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards." 

In the year 2020 FEMA officially declared 314 disasters, in 2021 there were 120 declared disasters in the USA, and there are 55 declared disasters so far for 2022 (before the hurricane season). Disasters include Fires, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Severe Storms, Landslides, Flooding, Winter Storms, Earthquakes, Explosions, Terrorist Attacks, and even COVID-19 is on their list.

There are so many unique disaster situations, that it is impossible to pull together a "one-size fits all" plan and resources when responding to a disaster. Disasters can be natural (an act of God) like a hurricane, or disasters can be man-made like arson or a terrorist attack. In both scenarios, the highest priority is the safety of the people and their well-being. Disaster management is broken down by professionals into these stages: disaster prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery. Once the disaster occurs the focus becomes on the Response and Recovery, this is the 2nd phase of disaster management. There are specialized teams that are trained to enter situations and strategically provide care for the victims. We greatly appreciate all of them. From the phone operators, logistical managers, and coordinators, to the rescue teams, first responders, firemen, volunteers, and even post-recovery emotional and spiritual counselors. There is simply no one hero, but an entire ecosystem of help. In this article, we will focus on the items Kemp USA carries to help emergency response teams be adequately equipped when entering disaster response situations. For more in-depth resources on Disaster Response, please look at the links at the bottom of this article.


Flooding is a very common issue when it comes to severe storms and hurricanes. Often times flooding can creep up on the citizens of a town and catch people off guard, especially when there is a nearby river or creek that usually crests later due to waters backing up. Flood waters are strong and scary and can easily sweep houses and cars and buses. FEMA has flood zones mapped out already all throughout the United States. Kemp USA has a selection of water rescue equipment. Specific items include Life Jackets and Life Vests (commonly referred to as PFDs), Throw Ropes (which can be customized to any length), and these USCG Approved Commercial Work Vests for rescuers. 




First Aid Supplies are absolutely essential for all crews, volunteers, teams and coordinators, and vehicles to have on hand and even in their vehicles during a disaster response rescue. You will never know when you might run into the need to use one. Kemp USA can build out entire custom Medical Supply Packs for any situation. Need to equip your team with a specific kit for a specific situation? We have you covered. We carry everything from Tourniquets to Splints, to Shears and Gauze Bandages.  Kemp USA is most well-known for our EMS Bags. The most popular bags we carry are the Ultimate EMS Backpack which can fit a D Size Oxygen Tank and the Large Professional Trauma Bag. However, when you need something smaller to distribute to teams use the Maxi Trauma Bag or the First Responder Bag. Hip Packs filled with supply packs can also be a great way to equip volunteers and first responders. 


Moving patients to a safe location is important when entering into disaster situations. If you need to move non-medical patients quickly, use this compact, lightweight Kemp USA Premium Carry Sheet. It has a weight capacity of 600 LBS and can easily be rolled up and it fits in small spaces, which is important when rescuers need to be moving quickly.
If you are in a disaster response situation that does not pose a water threat, use this MCI Board (Mass Casualty Incident). The MCI board does not have foam inside. It is not designed for water rescue, but it is extremely lightweight and strong. These are used to carry patients that need medical attention. The patient needs to be secured and stabilized to minimize movement and any further injury.
For water rescues, you will need a backboard that is buoyant. The Kemp USA AB Spineboard is the perfect board for that. Also extremely strong and lightweight. It is filled with foam and can be used to float patients through the water. These boards have a weight capacity of 700 LBS.
Use these bright orange hook and loop straps, which are the easiest and fastest way to secure a patient to the board.


Rescuers will always need ways to get the attention of victims or even other squad members. Kemp USA has battery-operated megaphones with up to a whopping 600 YD reach, a safety air horn, and a variety of whistles that can assist with getting people's attention in a crucial moment.


Disaster Response rescuers need to be prepared to provide comfort and relief to the victims of a disaster. Drastic temperature changes, whether it be extreme heat or cold. ANSI Standards now require that first aid kits have a mylar foil blanket enclosed. Mylar is very helpful when trying to moderate the body's heat. Kemp USA has over 1 million of these mylar blankets in stock and ready to ship from our Charlotte, NC facility. We also carry a mylar sleeping bag and a mylar tent which can be used as temporary short-term shelter until a more permanent location is acquired for the victims.
For warmth, we recommend this economical gray disaster relief blanket. Kemp USA also carries a great selection of highly efficient wool blankets.
In some cases like burning buildings and spot fires, this First Aid Blanket might prove useful. It comes with an 80% wool blanket, which can act as a fire retardant. Read more here.

Great Resources for Disaster Response:

YouTube Video: The Logistics of Disaster Response
A must-watch video on the logistics of disaster response.

Wikipedia on Disaster Response Technologies and Infrastructure
In-depth dive on the technology and infrastructures affected in a disaster.

Disaster Relief Response Registry
Registry on disaster response teams and companies in the USA.

Current Disasters (FEMA)
Current active disaster in response/recovery phase.

FEMA Flood Map Service
FEMA has the USA mapped for risk areas.


We hope this information has been of help to you! Kemp USA is a manufacturer and wholesaler for the EMS and Lifeguard industries. We do not sell to the general public. We have been in business for over 15 years. For more information please email us at [email protected] or visit our website: www.KempUSA.com