We Live In A Hurting World: Be Generous!

Everywhere you look it seems like there is a desperate situation that needs attention. War in Ukraine, refugees forced to leave home and wander into new territories, poor water conditions in third world countries, growing orphanages and foster children, lack of medical care, homelessness in our cities, abandoned elderly, and the list goes on and on. That's why we got super excited when we providentially got the privilege to help in a small way. It is always a privilege to help. Many of us can go day by day without ever seeing the need, in the busyness of life we are often blinded. We hope this blog post can spur us on to love and good works to help our fellow neighbors. 

Years ago the President of Kemp USA, Eddie Gulbenkian, was at a trade show in Munich, Germany. He was inspired by a unique EMS bag design that he thought would undoubtedly work in the US market (and we believe eventually it will). The United States has tons of crowded public facilities - sporting events, airports, conferences, and theme parks just to name a few. After some time of planning and product development, the final product was delivered to our warehouse in Charlotte, NC. This Premium EMS Suitcase bag is truly innovative. It is a carry-on-sized bag that had been specially configured and outfitted for Emergency Medical Personnel. Before the product was able to 'season' well and be promoted in the marketplace, COVID hit and shut down many opportunities to further promote the bag. So we decided to donate the overstock on this item to a useful cause.




Eddie Gulbenkian, President at Kemp USA, wanted to donate these EMS Suitcase bags to an organization that would find a good use for them. We looked for a match and consulted with some local organizations, then we offered them for the war in Ukraine (but that did not work out). The Ukrainian army needed something a little more "tactical" on the battlefield. So we ended up helping with trauma kits and our tactical bags instead (we will go into detail on this transaction in a future blog post). Finally, we stumbled upon these guys.

Wow - Who Are These Guys?

Samaritan's Purse (Facebook Page)

In NYC, in LA with COVID field hospitals

In Ukraine serving Refugees with medical camps 

In Arkansas and Mississippi helping tornado and flood victims

In New Mexico providing wild fire relief 

AND they pass out Christmas gifts to children all around the world! 



We were impressed with their operations and logistics, to say the least, and the blessing they are to so many needs around the world! Naturally, we reached out to Samaritan's Purse HQ, and after some back and forth an arrangement for pickup was made. SP sent an empty 53-foot truck to come to get some EMS Suitcases from Kemp USA!

When we loaded up the 10 pallets of EMS Suitcases on their truck and they still had room! So we decided to top them off! In addition, we were able to load up a couple pallets of this nice EMS Nurse Bag, a pallet of this EMS Tactical Backpack, a couple bales of 30% Wool Blankets, a case of Emergency Mylar Blankets, some medical pouches for first aid kits, and some CPR supplies.

A big thank you to Samaritan's Purse and all the volunteers! 

For more information please email us at [email protected] OR visit our website: www.KempUSA.com
Kemp USA is a manufacturer and wholesaler for the EMS and Lifeguard industries. We do not sell to the general public. We have been in business for over 15 years.